by robin gayle howard

Monthly Archives: December 2011


Consistency is something I strive for . . . I work hard to be even tempered no matter how I feel or what I am dealing with.  I know I don’t have a perfect batting average, but I do desire to be consistent.  Maybe threats of being sent to a deserted island if menopausal rantings begin have steered me in the right direction.

Before venturing into the land of kidlit, I had no idea how important consistency is in writing and illustrating.  Thankfully that lesson has been emphasized to me several times over the past year and I am working on applying that.  I spent part of my day today looking at this rough sketch of Maddy (my main character in the book I am working on) in order to make sure that all of my renderings of her are true to her original form.  That is not easy, especially when she is not always in this same pose.  I am not a trained artist but I am learning.  I really love the learning process and I really should buy stock in erasers!
Happy New Year to you all!  May you walk in the path of health and freedom!

Intention wanted to start a blog back in April, after the SCBWI (Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) Spring Spirit conference here in Northern California.  The speakers were so inspirational and I was soaking in every word in an attempt to shorten this steep learning curve of breaking into the children’s picture book biz.  I needed to start a blog.  I intended to start a blog.  So much for good ol’ Intention.   It is now December and Procrastination has kept many words and themes rolling around and around and around in this brain for much too long.  Mr. P is a very strong foe but he did finally meet his match today.  I am not entirely sure why today was any different, but Determination won out!  Finally!  Yeah!!!  So, here we go . . . and I hope you do follow along with me.   

Making rainbows is what I love to do most.  In my daily work I deal with an enormous amount of black and white and many grey areas too, but the grey areas do not even edge over to blue grey, or any other shade of grey.  Just grey, and black, and white.  I must have color!  Color is a requirement for me . . . in words, in action, and in form.  I try to bring color into my day in whatever way I can.  That happens most in my play time which is much too much abbreviated by all other life happenings . . . dust, dishes, errands, exhaustion, family, friends, fatigue, work, must do’s, must see’s, and on and on.  I value my islands of time that are my sanctuary to enter into the zone of rainbows. 

My primary goal is to create rainbows of images and words that will be of value to at least one other person in this world.   Secondary to that is the desire to have my rainbows published in order to reach more than one.  But just one heart touched will make me smile and say to myself, “Well done!”  I do know how to focus on the joy in the journey.  But one must take steps to be on that journey of making rainbows.  Step one, check.  Thank you, Determination!  I will definitely work to keep your volume turned up.