by robin gayle howard

Monthly Archives: February 2014

Here’s another version of the “Big Red” character for my portfolio. Big Red

Check out my ILLUSTRATIONS page for the first view. I really need to finish writing this fun little twist on a fairy tale classic story.  Hmm.  Where to fit that on my schedule?

One more sketch to go and a full spread (two pages) to paint to finish my portfolio by April 5th.  The next sketch is going to be a bit more tricky.  I guess it would be a good idea to come up with a PLAN B just in case I don’t like the results.  Stay tuned to see how things turn out!

I can’t believe that February is past half over already.  Time flies!  With crazy busy work days, a two year old grand-daughter and another on the way,my other son’s wedding plans for next year and working to improve my art skills with various classes (a big thank you to Tam Laporte and LIFEBOOK 2014 and Jane Davenport’s Express Yourself), I haven’t been very faithful in updating my blog.  So here goes.


This week is a stay-cation week for me with a focus on updating my portfolio for another review at our local SCBWI event in early April.  I’ve been experimenting with new supplies and having way too much fun . . . but, sad to say, new art supplies are very addictive 😉 and one can never ever have enough shades of every color in all type of supplies to make endless rainbows, she says!

Yet, I really have accomplished a lot this week, even with all of my play.  And it is only Wednesday – YAHOO!!  I have one more sketch to finish, then two to paint.  I reworked some of my previous boring pieces and added a few new ones that are much more fun.  I have learned a great deal over the past year, but still have so much more to learn.  Check out my ILLUSTRATION page that includes my newest work.  Hope you all have a blessed week!

P.S.  If you’d like to know which art supplies are absolutely the most addictive and can’t wait to have way too much fun playing with them, check out the above mentioned on-line classes.  Art is the only addiction I know where you end up feeling better than before you started.