I guess it still is not too late to wish everyone well for the new year since it is only the 2nd.  Wow!  What a year it has been, and I am expecting nothing but adventure from the year to come. 

Today I (along with encouragement from other staff members)  started a 31 Days of Growth Challenge at work.  The idea is to establish 31 goals, one a day, during the month of January.  We are posting pictures of seedlings or seeds around the office with the goal written on it.  When the goal is completed, it transforms into a flower.  What a great visual to encourage co-workers toward growth.  The goals can be simple or complex like hike to the top of Machu Picchu, or read that book that you never seem to have time to complete.  I can’t wait to see what happens!

You all know my first, and most pressing, goal is to complete my portfolio by the end of March for review at an SCBWI conference in Citrus Heights, California in April.  That’s number one.  Second is to revise a children’s book manuscript for the umpteenth time so I can submit it for a critique by early February.  I think it is almost there after all the great feedback I have been receiving.  I have a few ideas for number three, but that’s for tomorrow.

Will you take the challenge too?  RobinHBarnDanceColor3Every day write down another goal that you would really like to reach this year.  It’s all good.  Growth of any kind is movement in the right direction.  I’d love to hear goals that you all are reaching to achieve.  Please keep me posted.

So here are a few things I’ve been working on.  They still need some refinement, but they are getting close.

Now I’m off to play with color.  Have a great evening and HAPPY NEW YEAR! RobinHBigRedColor2 


fly1color2Creativity 1Creativity 2

and here are more art journal pages – love the colors (thanks Mary ;o)