by robin gayle howard

Tag Archives: Life

Latest revision of Barn Dance. I think it is almost there.

When you are in the stream of momentum, you don’t want to stop.  A little revision here, a little revision there, and it all begins to come together.  The key is to keep it going, but way too often you hit a brick wall.  Well,  I should change that “you” to “I.”  Way to often I hit a brick wall.  Most of the time it may feel like a brick wall, but it is really only a speed bump.  Brick walls are obstacles.  Speed bumps just slow you down, but are not hard to get over.  So how do you change that perception so that you can regain your momentum?  Just do something different.  Simple, but be patient with yourself because it can sometimes be a slow process.  Kind of like the way you should go over a speed bump so that you don’t rip out the underside of your car.  Trying to plow through a brick wall can get you a broken nose.  Trying to go over a speed bump too quickly causes damage too.  The key is to take it slow.   I was nose deep in a brick wall a few weeks ago, then started doing Zentangles.  If you have not yet tried them, you should.  It is a great exercise to bring on relaxation and focus.  Or you can pull out a medium you haven’t worked with in a while and just play.   Play with no final product in mind.  Play with different color combos.  Play with collage.  Play with different paper.  Just play and enjoy and get lost in the play.  Or write instead.  Write about anything.  Write about your dreams.  Write about your first childhood memory.  Write along with some artwork and create an art journal.  Find a favorite quote and decorate it.    The key is to just change things up and do something differently.  The brick wall will begin to melt away and then, lo and behold, you are on the down side of the speed bump and back in the race.  This week, I am running!

I think this one is ready for painting!